Friday, September 3, 2010

Monument Valley August 31

After breakfast at the San Juan Inn, we drove the 20 miles to Monument Valley with photo stops along the way. We were too early to check in so we drove the rough 17 mile drive through the valley. We had been here in the late 90’s but didn’t remember the terrible road. I wasn’t as impressed with the formations as I had anticipated probably because we have seen so much natural beauty on this trip. The condition of the road added to this feeling as we were bumped and jarred until I thought my teeth would fall out! Our van was coated with red dust. We were both grateful to be back on paved road again. We checked in to our hotel, The View Inn, early and I worked on photos and the blog. From the balcony in our room, we had amazing views of the mittens, the most famous of the formations in Monument Valley. I wanted to capture sunset and sunrise photos and the best came at pre sunrise. I even tried a night shot.

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