Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Moab August 29

Potash Pools

Delicate Arch

We decided to splurge on a flight over the parks today. Our hosts at the B&B gave us a recommendation of Red Tail Aviation and we thought that Nick, the pilot, was great. We left the airport at 9:15 and flew over Arches first and saw the Delicate Arch and many of the arches that we had seen yesterday. We were glad that we did the flight after we had driven through the park so that we had a good feeling for the layout. It was windy and the flight was pretty bumpy. Every time I would take a shot, the camera would recoil and I felt like Dirty Harry. We then headed over to Canyonlands and it got bumpier! The views were magnificent and we especially enjoyed seeing the confluence of the Green and Colorado Rivers. The Green River is aptly named and the Colorado is brown. The line where they merged was so clear. The flight lasted an hour and we all felt the effects of the bumpy flight, even Nick. That was a fantastic way to see the parks!. Then back into Arches to see the double arch. We decided to make it a short day and went back to the B&B. On our way back we drove out to see some dinosaur tracks that were visible from the road.

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